From Metchosin to Miramichi, from Argentina to Zimbabwe, supporters of Pearson College UWC stepped up to make Canada’s only United World College’s historic Renew and Re-found Campaign an extraordinary success.
“Our gratitude to a supportive community that stretches from just down the road to the other side of the world is deep and wide,” said Head of College Jason McBride. “This was an audacious and unprecedented fundraising campaign to raise $40 million over several years and, thanks to 3,115 generous and diverse donors, together we exceeded that goal by more than one million dollars!”
The multi-year Renew and Re-found Campaign continues to support needed investments in five priorities, he added, reflecting both short-term needs and future projects. Prime among these priorities is direct support for students through scholarships. Funds raised through the campaign have supported more than 400 student scholarships and, through the College’s Endowment Fund, will continue to support young people of promise and potential from across Canada and around the world in years to come.
McBride noted that campaign supporters helped Pearson refurbish student residences and academic buildings, some built half-century ago when the College welcomed its first cohort of students in 1974, to modern standards. Together with these student-centric improvements, donors are making possible improvements to Pearson’s seafront programs, including the College’s renowned marine science and leading-edge Climate Action Leadership Diploma programs.
“Generosity that helped fund improvements to our docks and, with thanks to three individuals who stepped forward, the acquisition of a modern watercraft, also supports our on-water experiential education and our commitment as eco-guardians of the Race Rocks island group and historic lighthouse,” said McBride.
The Pearson campus is located on the unceded and traditional territory of the Sc’ianew First Nation. The College’s institutional journey on the path of reconciliation with the Nation and all Indigenous Peoples continued to strengthen during the Renew and Re-found Campaign with measures such as welcoming the campus’ first Director of Indigenous Initiatives and Engagement.
“Every single donation to the campaign was appreciated,” said McBride. “Altogether, more than 51,000 individual gifts were made, including one-time and monthly pledges, gifts of securities and confirmations of estate planning gifts.”
Though the Renew and Re-found Campaign is now complete, the need to support student scholarships and the programs that make a Pearson education an outstanding experience for young people is ongoing. Donations to support Canada’s only United World College in its mission to be a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future are always welcome through the College website.