We – and many of you – were hoping for the best – a live, in-person performance of the annual Pearson College UWC One World stage presentation.

But, while a live show in a downtown Victoria theatre is not in the cards for this spring due to you-know-what-virus, Faculty member Lucas Olscamp has already done a lot of creative thinking about how the performances could be meaningful for the students participating and more widely available for the entire Pearson community.

With the COVID Omicron variant affecting, well, everything, including One World rehearsals and campus life in general, and the theatre only available several weeks earlier in March than usual, Lucas realized there was not enough time to put together a professional-quality stage performance. Couple that with continuing strict restrictions on audience sizes for live events in British Columbia and you double the challenge.

But facing that challenge head-on, Lucas Instead asked, why couldn’t the acts be performed anyway and be shared not just locally but with the entire Pearson world? And, if everything comes together, so it will.

The plan is to tap into the video recording and production talents of many of our students to record and edit individual and group performances which will take place at a variety of indoor and outdoor locations around the campus. The performances will be enhanced and complemented by the settings – ones that many viewers will remember.

It’s early in the process yet – as of this writing, our full complement of students has not yet arrived on campus – so we promise to share more information about the vision, concept, scope, timing and how to access One World 2022 once details are nailed down.

With the caveat that things still may still need to be adjusted due to COVID, we look forward to a re-imagined One World later this spring.