Lately, we’ve talked about how excited we are to be reaching the culmination of the historic $40 million Renew and Re-found Campaign to support scholarship and success at Pearson College UWC – more to share on that next month!
The mild weather (after a snowy week on campus!) has us thinking about excursions on Pedder Bay, trips to Race Rocks and beyond and how grateful we are to everyone who supported vital waterfront renewal through the Campaign. We’re thrilled to share with you the first images of the new landing craft that was commissioned by the College and is now in its final stages of construction.
“We were enthusiastic to be able to work with shipbuilder Pat Sheard of Nanaimo to design a landing craft that will allow for greater accessibility to a variety of ocean tidal sites for marine science education and field studies,” says Deputy Head, Operations and Administration Ty Pile.
“With the ability to carry up to twelve passengers and two crew, as well as enhanced cargo capacity to support the Pearson seafront and Race Rocks, we will also be able to better support student activities, including SCUBA diving.”
At annual Pearson alumni reunions, some of the fondest memories shared are invariably about time spent on (and under!) the water. That helps explain why many alumni stepped forward to support waterfront-based improvements.
“Every single donation is valued and appreciated,” adds Carly Milloy, Director of Advancement and External Relations. “What helped us kickstart the process of commissioning and building a new landing craft in 2023 were gifts of exceptional generosity from three members of the Pearson alumni community who saw the need to replace the much-loved but aging Second Nature.”
With the cost of the new craft, which is being built to modern safety and sustainability standards, set at about $250,000, Pile said this investment will serve students and the College for decades to come.
“It’s time to retire Second Nature, a craft that many alumni remember and love. The new craft, to be named after delivery, will feature improved operating systems and maneuverability, twin 250 horsepower outboards to provide a safe, redundant power system, responsive manoeuvring, and easy access for maintenance. A standby or ‘kicker’ motor will ensure additional redundancy, safety and reduced fuel consumption when full power is not required.”
Pearson’s Marine and Seafront Operations Coordinator Greg Dickinson, who has been shepherding the build, is looking forward to a four-to-eight-week shakedown process once the completed craft is delivered to Pearson’s improved docks in the coming weeks.
Ensuring our waterfront program is safely operating at maximum capacity is key for our United World College, nestled in the woods along Pedder Bay on the traditional territory of the Sc’ianew First Nation. We know that many of our students mark Pearson as their preferred UWC specifically for these saltwater-based learning opportunities, and for some, this is their first chance to get out on an ocean.
Though the Renew and Re-found Campaign is now complete, the need to support student scholarship and the programs that make a Pearson education an unforgettable experience continues. If you have already donated – thank you so much! If you haven’t yet, please consider making your gift through our website to support our United World College mission.